What a guy does when sex is over can be very reveling. I'll pinpoint three telltale actions to look out for.
He spoons you. A lot!: When you find a guy who isn't afraid of cuddling, proceed with caution!
Just be wary if he is glued to your side from the get-go. Not only does this indicate neediness, but it could also mean he's on the rebound. When a man isn't over his ex, or still with his current, he'll often rush intimacy in a new relationship because he wants to fill a void, or is used to a routine.
He says "See you soon": If a guy utters these words as he exits, they may be the last words you'll hear from him. It's a cowardly way of telling you "It's been fun, but I'm not hooked." Were he interested, he'd either ask when can he see you again, or say something sweet like, I'll be thinking about you all day.
He quizzes you: Those first few times, its hard to tell whether a guy who inquires about your satisfaction is considerate or just insecure. Asking "Was it all right for you?" shows he wants to make you happy. BUT, if he follows up with "Are you sure?" or "What about that last move?" he's more interested in boosting his ego, and resume, than in you.
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