A true Player has no enemies. The reason he has no enemies is simply because he treats everyone, especially women, with the appropriate amount of respect and even deference in certain situations. While the effective ladies' man entertains a great many partners over the course of an illustrious Player career, he never leaves giant rifts in his wake -- irrevocable gouges in the relationship landscape that hinder his forward progress. Some men will claim it’s “impossible” to always make a clean break, but with a touch of patience and a dash of tact, grudges can be avoided.
If you find yourself in one of your standard casual situations and you’ve decided to move on and pursue other targets, there are a number of ways to make a clean break. The key is to balance upon a precarious tightrope: Be wary of her feelings but at the same time, make it abundantly clear that the relationship has reached its conclusion.
It's been fun -
There’s something purely satisfactory and benign about the “it's been fun” breaker. Firstly, it doesn’t assign fault or blame and there are no implications, accusations or bad feelings. Secondly, it’s commonly known to be definitive; there is no woman that hears this and thinks; “Oh good, he’s going to call me tomorrow.” The old and the young, the Players and wife-seekers, we are all aware of the meaning behind those four little words, which do a surprisingly admirable job of ending a simple relationship. Of course, it’s not advisable to try this if you’ve let things slip into the universe of commitment or monogamy, because that universe requires more than three words -- regardless of how plainly effective “it’s been fun” might be. But for a Player’s purposes, this reasoning works quite well.
Don’t make excuses -
Ah, the excuse train. If you step aboard during the early stages of a breakup conversation, you’re unwittingly traveling to a land of frustration, anger and outright nastiness. The bottom line is that she can latch on to just about any excuse and fling it back in your face; if it’s a matter of compatibility or sexual chemistry, who’s to say it isn’t your fault? Because we’re desperately trying to avoid fault on all possible levels of the relationship severing routine, you shouldn’t bother with excuses. The bottom line is that you don’t need to make excuses because you didn’t do anything wrong. Things didn’t work out, and if she’s looking for a long, detailed explanation as to why, she’s going to be waiting for a long time. Be straightforward and clear-- but above all else, be brief and don’t get dragged into a “you did this” and “you did that” match. Nobody wins.
Avoid her places -
You’ve been with her long enough to know her favorite hangout locations and it now behooves you to steer clear of those places for a while. This isn’t difficult, and it’s merely a logical bit of post-breakup strategy. If you don’t bump into her, residual sparks can’t kindle a new fire; furthermore, you can avoid a different kind of fire. How many times have we made the mistake of acting on old impulses when bumping into a relatively fresh fling? It may seem appealing at the time (“Damn, did she always look that good?!”), but it won’t take long before you’re right back where you started, searching for a way out without getting on her nerves. Therefore, avoiding her favorite places is killing two birds with one stone: With no communication whatsoever, there’s no chance of a sudden flurry of verbal blows -- and there’s no chance of a backward step via ill-advised sexual romps
Don’t delete her number -
Immediately after the breakup, one typically wants to remove any possible reminders of their ex. This involves tossing pictures, deleting old e-mails and burning sentimental gifts in a ritual fire (strange how often this occurs). But the one thing you must not do is delete her number, and it’s not because you may have made a mistake and you don’t wish to burn all bridges. Rather, it’s so you can recognize her number if she attempts to call -- screening is a necessary part of the process -- and you’re always on the vigilant lookout for any last-ditch efforts on her part. The only issue with keeping the number is that you may feel the urge to call, just for a little “hey, how are you” conversation. Obviously, this is a terrible idea and one that can only lead you back to square one; holding onto the number is merely for protection and maintenance purposes.
As stated in the introduction, the Player doesn’t leave legions of unhappy and vindictive women in his wake. When a woman is asked about her experiences with this guy, she should simply don a wistful smile and her eyes should glaze with the heated reminisces; "Yeah, he was that good." But to keep this reputation intact, one must always execute a clean break.
"That's DOPE"