BMW Demonstener D1200R

Justify FullAs we have said in the past, it’s not too often that conceptual projects make it off the drawing board and onto the showroom floor; often times when the transition is successful, the general public is left with a bastardized version of the initial creation that was so riveting in the first place. Enter the Demonstener D1200R, a breathtaking version of BMW’s popular two-wheeler. Creative geniuses Pablo Gonzalez de Chaves and Carlos Beltran Carrión worked tirelessly on the D1200R to make sure the production version was exactly what we expected. Only five will be made, and will be built to the customer’s specifications, down to the rims, materials, paint, and even framework; the bike will also feature BMW’s bulletproof boxer engine and hub-steering. Despite the extremely low production numbers, the bike is available on Ebay; all five failed to meet the ‘Buy It Now’ price of $75,000 and will most assuredly be back up on the auction block shortly.

"That's DOPE"

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