Be A Tiguere 101 - Step ya game up!

First things first: What the hell is a tiguere? And why should you want to be one?

The term tiguere first became popular in Latin American countries like the Dominican Republic in the 1940s and ‘50s to describe the alpha males of these societies. A tiguere, a colloquial term for tiger, oozes masculinity, is confident in his actions, emerges well from even the most difficult situations, and has an uncanny ambition in whatever he does. A tiguere will not shy away from treachery, lies or violence to achieve his goals; he is stylish, strong and, most importantly, immensely successful with women -- and commonly uses women to his advantage.

After that explanation, why wouldn’t you want to be a tiguere? Think of the old-school nature of Sean Connery’s Bond, his wit and charm with more of a focus on the babes and cars than M’s gadgets and taking down evildoers. Throw in JFK’s charisma (and his escapades with a certain Playboy cover girl), the ruthless business prowess of Wall Street’s Gordon Gekko, the slick and stylish nature of Entourage’s Ari Gold, topped off with some Latin spice, and set to puree.

That concoction may have very well produced Porfirio and Don Pedro Rubirosa, the father-son combination that came to be the very definition of tigueres, a term that at the time was reserved for the most well respected and envied men in society.

What Don Pedro established as a ruthless and dominating man in the Dominican, son Porfirio expanded on in just about every way, becoming the ultimate definition of an international playboy. Porfirio was a professional polo player, race car driver, world traveler, and a prolific ladies' man whose conquests included Marilyn Monroe, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Barbara Hutton -- who he married and divorced within 53 days, leaving with a reported $3.5 million, coffee plantation and B-25 airplane to console his broken heart. Poor guy.

Each and every one of us has a little tiguere in us, and by following these steps you can let it out of its cage completely and be well on your way to jet-setting playboy fame.

Look the part

If you want people to believe you are powerful, successful and charming, you need to look the part. A tiguere’s style is classic, but at the same time possesses that intangible something-special that people will instantly be able to see about you -- but have a difficult time defining. It is that air of mystery that tigueres hope to capture with their look; simple yet classy suits will do the best to accomplish this. It is important to have these suits expertly tailored to fit your body the best that they can. Don’t skimp on the threads or the tailor service for the best results. Top it off with a flashy tie or an ascot to complete your suit and add a little spice to your ensemble.

Be a social leader

Tigueres don’t blend in with the crowd -- they lead the crowd. Whether it be at work, with your friends or the blonde bombshell you just met at the club, you should be the one leading by example, showing people how to have a damn good time and not being afraid of trying new things. One of the key characteristics of a tiguere is their ability to take on difficult and unfamiliar situations and emerge with Bond-like swagger. Applying this to social situations means that you know everything from the secret, free parking lot closest to your favorite MLB team, to the finest steakhouse in town where you are best buds with your waiter Victor and he already has a choice bottle of wine ready for your arrival.

People will be intrigued by your leadership and will always love to hang out with you, no matter what the social setting. You are the guy people call up when they have a question about a restaurant, bar or other hot spot, and then they immediately invite you along because they know it will make for one decadent night out.

Be bold

Both business and pleasure are important to tigueres, and it doesn't matter whether you are dealing with a rival business or suiting a beautiful women, tigueres project confidence. Tigueres are bold in these types of situations. They know what they want, and aren’t afraid to go for it. Women will love your assertive and passionate ways, and business associates will respect your strong will and frankness.

To do this, a tiguere must first and foremost believe in themselves. Fear is certainly not a word that appears in a tiguere’s vocabulary, and the elimination of this fear allows the boldness of tigueres to take center stage. Anyone you interact with will notice your no bullsh*t ways -- and will respect you for it. It is far too often that people walk on egg shells for their entire life, avoiding voicing their true opinion. Instead, use your boldness to instill confidence and gain respect from others.

Set lofty goals

Tigueres aren’t satisfied with the 9-to-5 desk job, one-bedroom apartment or an overall boring lifestyle. As a tiguere, you should set lofty goals and use your unique skill set to achieve them. Throughout history, tigueres have always shown a drive and passion for what they want to achieve in life. They don’t rely on others’ handouts to aid them toward their goals, and they are never content with just being mediocre. Tigueres aim to be at the highest level of whatever they want to achieve and use any means necessary to get there.

This is where the charm and persuasion of a tiguere really kicks in, because you will surely need it to accomplish some of your tougher goals. Whether it be a promotion at your job or a second date with a perfect 10 model, the loftier the goal, the more of your inner tiguere will be forced to come out. Tigueres thrive on challenge, and when they put their mind to something, they wont stop until they've accomplished it.

Channel your inner tiguere

Tigueres may not be perfect model citizens, but they do provide a time capsule of a generation of men who played by their own set of rules and succeeded marvelously. With an updated wardrobe and a few new tricks, the tiguere lifestyle is ready for you and the 21st century.

Via. A.M

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