"That's DOPE"
Advertising by Umeric - Amazing.
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/26/2010 11:29:00 AM#FF - imm Living Hand Sign USB Drives - Dope!
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/26/2010 11:15:00 AMThe IMM Living's Hand Sign USB Drives ($35) include pop culture hand signs (peace, Vulcan, gun, Westside, Eastside, Fist, rocker-horn).
"Live long and prosper." This phrase, widely recognized beyond sci-fi circles, is accompanied by a hand gesture made by raising the hand palm forward, parting the fingers between the ring and middle finger and extending the thumb. This gesture is known as the Vulcan salute.
"That's DOPE"
#FF - imm Living Hand Sign USB Drives - Dope!
#FF - Bugatti 16C Galibier concept in black
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/26/2010 11:01:00 AMBugatti today released some new images of its Bugatti 16C Galibier Concept dressed all in black. Yes, as we write this post we are listening to “Back in Black” by ACDC.
The Bugatti 16 C Galibier is one of the several concepts which the company is considering for a future model. Power comes from a 8.0L 16-cylinder engine that features two-stage supercharging. The engine is flex-fuel compatible, meaning it can run on ethanol. The Bugatti Galibier rides on a four-wheel-drive system and features ceramic brakes and a new suspension design that enables “agile, always-sure handling of a saloon of this size.”
#FF - Bugatti 16C Galibier concept in black
#FF - Reebok Fullington - DOPE!!!
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/26/2010 10:47:00 AMA smooth fit for our Spring/Summer Reebok offerings, the Fullington’s upper is crafted with high end-high gloss black leather as well as sparsely scattered perforations which provide just enough ventilation to keep your foot nice and cool. Other notable mentions include a steel-grey non-marking honeycomb sole and ankle strap for additional support.
Available now!
For order information hit us up @1.516.632.5150/extrabutterny@gmail.com or click the photos which will direct you to our web-store.
"That's DOPE"
#FF - Reebok Fullington - DOPE!!!
#FF - Nike Air Trainer SC 2010 Low - Manny Pacquiao “Pac-Man”
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/26/2010 10:41:00 AMVia. EB
Look what made it’s way here…fresh off the victory over Mr. Gloves-covering the face, I mean…Joshua Clottey.
The best pound for pound fighter, Manny Pacquiao - Nike Air Trainer SC 2010 Low “Pac Mans” come in a special pull-out box, multiple sets of laces, and in-soles filled with more artwork paying homage to the living legend. Not to mention, the Air Trainer SC 2010 Low is one of the most comfortable and lightweight shoes I’ve ever had on.
The colorway should satisfy the legions of Filipino sneakerhead & streetwear connoseurs, as it is a nod to the flag of the Philippines. The metallic gold featured on the tongue tag, heel tab, and swoosh all shine bright as they are made of 3m reflective material.
Here’s hoping that Floyd Mayweather comes around and allows the highly anticipated bout with “Pac Man” to happen…
"That's DOPE"
#FF - Nike Air Trainer SC 2010 Low - Manny Pacquiao “Pac-Man”
#FF - Stylish Shower Wiper for Easy Bathroom Cleaning from VIPP
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/26/2010 10:34:00 AMDanish company VIPP specializes in production of various cool bathroom accessories. Its products stand out by stylish and bright designs and could become not only useful items in any bathroom, but also could perfectly decorate it. In additional to traditional bathroom elements such as a soap dish, bins, a toothbrush holder and a dispenser soap you can find a very practical product, which is necessary for easy bathroom cleaning. This product is a shower wiper. It is made of stainless steel and black rubber. Thanks to its cool modern design you needn’t to hide this item and in opposite, you could hang it on a wall without any troubles. This shower wiper is very comfortable to clean bathroom mirrors and other glasses surfaces. Besides its soft edges protect glass and tiles from scratches. It comes with a wall hook and an extra wiper blade. You could find all interesting you information on VIPP site.
"That's DOPE"
#FF - Stylish Shower Wiper for Easy Bathroom Cleaning from VIPP
#FF - Three minute orgasm - Twin Turbo Ferrari - D R O O L
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/26/2010 10:05:00 AM#FF - Cheating, a dying art.
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/26/2010 09:55:00 AMI know I have hit this topic many times before but thanks in part to the recent celebrity cheating sagas surrounding the likes of Jesse James, Tiger Woods and David Letterman -- it’s time to clarify the Player’s position on cheating. Cheating is, unfortunately, a part of dating and relationships, but there are boundaries that respectful and honorable men simply don’t cross. Nobody is immune to the cheating impulse; when the current relationship’s heat begins to fade, “the grass is always greener” feeling can strike us hard. Although the Player continually labors beneath a variety of false stereotypes and accusations, one of the most irritating is the belief that the successful ladies’ man has no morals (i.e., he considers cheating as “part of the game”).
First and foremost, the Player never cheats, nor will he attempt to pick up a girl who wishes to cheat. It’s not only counterproductive in the long run, but it also flies directly in the face of everything the Player stands for. The Player adores women; cheating and adoration are mutually exclusive. Here are some Player rules on cheating.
Rule 1 on cheating
Cheating devalues everything
Cheating doesn’t actually enhance anything. The common myth is that danger is titillating and can ramp up the passion of taboo encounters, but there’s a problem with this belief: “danger” is fleeting and such a sensation can rapidly shift, as foreboding tension can follow hot on the heels of heightened passion. Furthermore, as the very concept of cheating is rooted in something outside the physical union in question, such couplings are devoid of any real feeling or emotion. Those who have cheated will always try to say -- often in their own vain defense -- that it was “mechanical,” that they were just “going through the motions.” Well, of course: Cheating is about somebody else. There’s no real challenge or satisfaction in it and, lest we forget, the Player is in this for ultimate satisfaction.
Rule 2 on cheating
Cheating is for the weak and lazy
Honestly, it doesn’t take that much in the way of mental fortitude to resist temptation. Those who claim it was “irresistible” are desperately attempting to mask their weakness and it’s downright pathetic. Those who cheat do so for a variety of reasons, certainly, but none of them can be considered appealing character traits. They cheat because they can’t face an ugly breakup battle with their current partner (which is absurd, as cheating will inevitably lead to an even uglier battle), they cheat because they’re too lazy to end things, they cheat because they’re easily lured by the siren’s call. The Player is familiar with the urges and doesn’t allow them to affect his behavior. We’ve already talked about how other people perceive cheaters; well, the ladies’ man is aware how cheating can affect his own self-image and self-esteem.
Rule 3 on cheating
Cheating is a reputation-killer
These days, a man’s reputation may not mean as much as it did in days long past, but for someone who is often at the mercy of word-of-mouth, it’s essential. And because it can change in a split second, it requires constant upkeep and maintenance. Cheating is the single fastest way to tear down an entire body of work; one moment of weakness can erase years of faithfulness produced by the most stalwart Player professional. There are plenty of other ways a man can damage his reputation in the eyes of the ladies, but nothing is more devastating than cheating. Even if it’s only a rumor, this spark can set off a wildfire that rages high and far. It’s almost impossible to extinguish, and although it may die out eventually, the destruction is significant and recovery can take a very long time. A reputation is a terrible thing to waste on something so… unfulfilling.
Rule 4 on cheating
A true Player doesn’t have to cheat
In truth, the real Player never has to cheat. If he’s unhappy with his current woman, he has the resolve to simply make a clean break and pursue another target. He does this honestly, carefully and tactfully. On top of which, we’ve already solidified the fact that nailing a chick who wishes to cheat takes no real skill, and a Player aspires to bigger and better things. Throughout the course of a Player’s excursions, he will frequently consider and dismiss opportunities that aren’t actually “opportunities” at all; they’re partially obscured traps that can lead to some nasty accidents. The learned pickup artist quickly recognizes such traps, steps deftly around them and pushes forward to achieve more satisfying sexual experiences via real effort. In short, he knows exactly what he wants, and he knows cheating won’t deliver his true desires.
Honesty is the best policy
Many women fall victim to the falsehood that a Player exists only to serve his own desires and as a direct result, he leaves a trail of destroyed hearts and bad feelings in his wake. That’s the description of a womanizing creep, so get your definitions straight. The Player doesn’t cheat, typically doesn’t spend time with cheaters, and perhaps above all else, he doesn’t have to cheat because he’s honest -- and a nice guy.
"That's DOPE"
#FF - Cheating, a dying art.
#FF - Her Power Plays 101.
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/26/2010 09:46:00 AMWhen women were labeled the “fairer sex,” it wasn’t in reference to their behavior. Women are anything but “fair.” They are, however, masters in the art of manipulation -- but all with good reason. Women often feel powerless in relationships since men tend to shy away from any request involving the word “talk,” which, in turn, leaves a host of unresolved issues and no outlet for dealing with them. Enter Plan B: passive aggression.
The following are tricks -- or “power plays” -- she uses to assert dominance, to remind you of her importance and to let you know she’s not to be taken for granted. These temper tantrums can be acted out by any female, of any age, at any time. Read on to learn about her power plays -- and how to nip this behavior in the bud.
Dressing sexy
If an otherwise conservative woman is suddenly dressing in red fishnets for a night out with the girls, she’s trying to tell you something. Women don’t turn into harlots overnight, and if she does, this is a good indication that she feels like you’re not giving her enough attention. Dressing like a tart is one of her power plays because it will have other men lusting after her, which is probably what she wishes you were doing. This power play is happening because she’s feeling neglected and ignored, whether the emotions are warranted or not. This behavior is also intended to make you consider the possibility of someone else moving in and stealing your woman.
Stopping this power play: You have two options in dealing with her power play: intervene or ignore. Some women get really turned on by a man who steps in and puts his foot down. If this sounds like your girlfriend, go ahead and intervene by letting her know she’s not going out dressed like that. If, however, you’re dating a modern female (and most of you are), this is strongly discouraged, unless you want to see World War III from the front lines. Your best move is ignoring the tantrum altogether. Act normal, smile and tell her to have fun and enjoy herself. Steal her thunder, and that’ll be the last time she plays dress-up.
Witholding sex/affection
One of the oldest power plays in the book, this one doesn’t usually start out with the intention of withholding sex or affection out of revenge. Rather, it starts out as pure hurt. Sometimes it manifests as anger, but rest assured that hurt is always the foundation. Unfortunately, a woman tends to assume her man is fully aware of her pain -- she also assumes he knows precisely how he caused it, which means he should also know how to fix it. In reality, the poor guy doesn’t have a clue; he just knows she’s pissed off at him. He also knows that every time he tries to kiss or hold her, she responds frigidly.
Stopping this power play: This is one of those situations in which you’re going to have to talk. As ominous as that sounds, it’s a lot easier than you think. All you have to do is ask her what’s wrong. More than likely, there’s been some kind of misunderstanding and all you’ll need to do is (gently) correct her perception. If the issue is larger, you’ll need to have a deeper conversation. Either way, you can pretty much bank on fantastic makeup sex later on.
Flirting with other men in front of you
Women who pull this power play require more attention than they’re currently receiving. Flirting with other men helps her fill a void of some kind. The void may stem from a deeper insecurity, or it may stem from having a boyfriend who just doesn’t pay enough attention to her. But neither situation excuses this kind of tantrum, and acting out in this manner indicates she’s unskilled at communicating her needs. It may also be a sign you’re dating damaged goods.
Stopping this power play: As before, you have two options: intervene or ignore. If she’s the type to get hot when you put her in her place, that could be exactly what she’s after. While those types of exchanges can be highly erotic, realize that allowing her to provoke you with her power plays will likely result in more of the same behavior. If she’s not that kind of girl, your best bet is to ignore it and address it when you get home. And address it you must -- there’s no excuse for this kind of tantrum. If she doesn’t straighten up immediately, it’s probably time to get a girlfriend who respects you (and herself).
Stopping this power play: When she pulls this power play, don’t fall into the phone-tag trap -- it’ll only exacerbate the situation. If your messages aren’t being returned, stop sending them and wait until you can talk face-to-face. Start by asking what’s upsetting her; don’t even bother addressing the fact she’s been ignoring you, since that’s not the real issue here. Besides, you’d only be reinforcing her behavior by letting her know it bothered you. Once you’ve cleared the air, the power play will end on its own.
Stopping this power play: You may not want to counter this power play, but you should think twice before letting her scatter lingerie around your apartment. Allowing her do so will send the message you’re allotting her space in your home, which gives the impression you consider her a girlfriend. If she is, there’s no harm done. If she’s not, you could have a screaming banshee on your hands when she discovers someone else’s panties in your clothes hamper. If you’re dating other women, do not let her mark her territory. Gather her belongings and hand them back as though she’s accidentally left them behind. A normal woman will take the hint.
Delaying response to your texts or calls
If your girlfriend typically responds to your text messages and phone calls within an hour or two, but suddenly goes an entire day without getting back to you, something’s up. She’s either angry (read: hurt) about something, or she’s no longer interested. The latter doesn’t usually happen overnight, so this is probably her way of letting you know she’s unhappy with you.Stopping this power play: When she pulls this power play, don’t fall into the phone-tag trap -- it’ll only exacerbate the situation. If your messages aren’t being returned, stop sending them and wait until you can talk face-to-face. Start by asking what’s upsetting her; don’t even bother addressing the fact she’s been ignoring you, since that’s not the real issue here. Besides, you’d only be reinforcing her behavior by letting her know it bothered you. Once you’ve cleared the air, the power play will end on its own.
Marking her territory
This kind of behavior is one of the most natural power plays for women to indulge in, whether they realize it or not. If she’s cognizant of her actions, they could be blatant: leaving silk panties on the floor, forgetting her Tampax box in the bathroom, etc. It could also be far less obvious: tidying up your bedroom, cleaning the bathroom, etc. These are details another woman would notice immediately, as few bachelors excel at housekeeping. It’s also something your friends would notice, giving the instant impression she’s more than just a bed buddy.Stopping this power play: You may not want to counter this power play, but you should think twice before letting her scatter lingerie around your apartment. Allowing her do so will send the message you’re allotting her space in your home, which gives the impression you consider her a girlfriend. If she is, there’s no harm done. If she’s not, you could have a screaming banshee on your hands when she discovers someone else’s panties in your clothes hamper. If you’re dating other women, do not let her mark her territory. Gather her belongings and hand them back as though she’s accidentally left them behind. A normal woman will take the hint.
Keep the ball in your court
All women throw temper tantrums once in a while -- some are just better camouflaged. Sometimes she’s hurt, while sometimes she’s just being a brat. No matter the cause, it’s important to stop her manipulating power plays as soon as they surface. The next time she stomps her feet, use these tips to defuse and resolve the situation. Not only will she respect you for it, but she’ll also be less inclined to pull that power play in the future."That's DOPE"
#FF - Her Power Plays 101.
Vaja – Limited Edition iPhone leather case
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/24/2010 10:55:00 AMCheck out this Vaja Limited Edition leather cases for Apple iPhone 3G / 3GS, they feature easy access to headphone jack, mute and lock buttons. It also features an opening for SIM card access, sleep mode button and a cutout for USB port.
You can get the White and Red versions for $80 and the Brown one for $120. www.vajacases.com
Stay Tuned for a nice giveaway from our friends at Vaja cases.
"That's DOPE"
Vaja – Limited Edition iPhone leather case
The Magpul Ronin concept
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/24/2010 10:50:00 AMThe Magpul Ronin is an experimental motorcycle project based on the Buell 1125R sport bike. Taken from the Japanese word for a samurai who lost his master, the name “Ronin” was chosen after the Buell Motorcycle Company ceased production and closed its doors in 2009. Source
"That's DOPE"
The Magpul Ronin concept
Modern Bedroom Design with Unusual Wall Shelves
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/24/2010 10:46:00 AMBelow you could find an attractive modern bedroom design and maybe it could become an interesting inspiration for you own bedroom. It is filled with furniture in two colors: white and violet. Thanks to that the room looks trendy and stylish. The combination of these colors allows to make any bedroom light, airy and at the same time to perfectly accentuate the certain elements. The white bed has a simple shape and could ideally fit for minimalist design. Although the main feature of this bedroom is the original wall shelves. Their zigzag location makes the room design more unusual and eye-catching. Rotating elements add the functionality to this wall system and allow to hide something. This furniture set is perfectly complemented by spacious white wardrobe and practical chest. More information about this white bedroom furniture with violet elements you could find on Diotti site.
"That's DOPE"
Modern Bedroom Design with Unusual Wall Shelves
Bathroom Mirrors with Built-In TVs by Seura from DigsDigs
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/24/2010 10:44:00 AMSeuro is one of those innovative companies which produce really new product. They create and install televisions that are incorporated into mirrors. Such product could be mount anywhere but the best place to install such TV is a bathroom. That is very useful for those who spent a lot of time during their evenings and mornings in that room. If those people don’t have wall, counter or cabinet space for one of these TV’s that isn’t the problem. Seura uses a patented mirror technology to produce a clear picture from the LCD when it’s on and to mask it when it’s off. That means that when the TV is off all you’ll see is a finely crafted mirror so it wont spoil the bathroom’s interior. Below you could find installation examples in homes of people who want to enjoy their favorite programs while brushing their teeth or taking a bath. {Seura}
"That's DOPE"
Bathroom Mirrors with Built-In TVs by Seura from DigsDigs
Miz Mari - A closer look
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/24/2010 10:24:00 AM- Nationality: Venezuelan
- Government: Mari C
- Years : 23
- Made: Venezuela
- Stay: Miami
- Stats: =5'3, 127, 34D
- Looks for in a Man: = I need a man who's confident and who's educated and open to learn about things in life. I also like my men to be positive and always push to be better. An important quality is that he supports me in what I do and is there for me as I would be there for him. As far as physical looks...NICE teeth I love teeth...also he has to live a happy, healthy, lifestyle...not necessarily a gym guru but we have to take care of ourselves.
Miz Mari is originally from Venezuela, and currently is living in Miami. Modeling is a hobby that Mari fits into her love of arts and the entertainment business.
She’s highly motivated and likes to surround herself with positive persons and things. She truly believes she can be the best and works incredibly hard in order to make her dreams and goals become a reality.
Her career goal is to become a radio personality and tying in her education, modeling and acting experience with her radio work.
She’s here to network and connect with entertainment-business professionals who are serious about working together towards the future.
"That's DOPE"
Miz Mari - A closer look
The world’s first diamond iPad calls for wealthy Apple lovers
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/19/2010 02:50:00 PMEver since the Apple iPad was launched, we knew we would see its bejeweled variant sometime soon, and here comes the world’s first Diamond iPad from Goldstriker Amosu Mervis Diamond Importers, who we have earlier featured here for their world’s first diamond dreidel. This precious version will feature a diamond studded frame featuring 11.43 carats of diamonds, hand-set in a micro-pave styling. The diamonds are graded G/H in color and VS2/SI1 in clarity. This diamond-studded iPad adorns a $19,999 price tag and is available in limited quantities. You will have to wait a little longer to get your hands on this iPad version, i.e. after June 1, but you can place your order online to reserve one for you now, so get ready to splurge.
Also, we would love to know who you think will go for the diamond iPad..
"That's DOPE"
The world’s first diamond iPad calls for wealthy Apple lovers
MCZ fireplace TV changes the ‘Scenario’ in home décor
Posted by PrettyBOY at 3/19/2010 02:48:00 PMIn an effort to keep up with modern minimalist design themes, MCZ has introduced a fireplace TV for film buffs and design enthusiasts alike. You could enjoy watching TV and admire the flame on its brilliant color scheme. Dubbed Scenario, this cool fireplace TV is a real space saver that would bring warmth to your ultra modern home décor. Apart from its ultra-modern style sensibility, Scenario offers a prime viewing platform for HD movies, and can also be used to browse the internet.
"That's DOPE"
MCZ fireplace TV changes the ‘Scenario’ in home décor
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