Carbon Fiber to Lounge On

Take a seat, no, seriously, take a seat in the X-1 carbon fiber lounge chair. This chair screams modern. Whether you buy the chair as a decorative piece or to actually lounge on, it is sure to compliment your home.
Made and imported from Italy, the X-1′s core is made from honeycomb Nomex material, which when combined with the carbon fiber, creates extreme stiffness, a sleek look and a light weight.
The padded portion of the chair is made from high quality leather and is available in a variety of colors. With so many choices in color, you can make the chair work in any room. The head pillow has a system of regulation in three positions for maximum comfort. The X-1 offers a full-length lounge with a shape your body will form to.
The X-1 carbon fiber chair, which was inspired by aircraft design, is available in our store, but please contact us via phone as this is a special order item. With a high price tag, the X-1 is for the ultimate enthusiast with the ultimate home. Also, keep in mind it could take up to 6-7 weeks for delivery. While this may sound like a bit long, we think it’s well worth the wait. If the pictures aren’t enticing enough, take a look at the jaw-dropping video below:
