Tweetie 2.1 Twitter Client for iPhone Brings Geotag, Lists, New-Style Re-Tweets

penTweetie 2.1 — a FREE upgrade for Tweetie 2.0 users — brings support for Twitter’s new Geotag feature (so everyone will know where exactly you’re tweeting from), Twitter lists (what lists you have, what lists you subscribe to, though not the likely less-wieldly lists you’re on), and the controversial new-style re-tweets (where you see the original tweeter in your timeline, not the person you’re following who re-tweeted it). There are other additions as well: report spam (via API), tweet-stream “gap” detection (looks like a torn gap in your timeline), and a tone of other stuff (including disable pin-stripes for the pixel-haters).

"That's DOPE"
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