Freddy Krueger Final Mortal Kombat DLC Fighter -- Time For A New Nightmare

The MK9 DLC fighters welcome a new kombatant: Freddy Krueger is joining the Mortal Kombat 9 roster as the final Mortal Kombat DLC fighter for the summer. Freddy Krueger will be available August 9 and cost $4.99, or if you thought ahead to buy the Summer Pass, he's free! The walking nightmare on Elm Street (see what I did there?) looks to be a pretty quick and agile fighter, and his brutality certainly fits the Mortal Kombat universe. Want to see him in action? Check out the video below!
Although the Freddy Krueger fatalities may not be as imaginative or nightmare fueling as some of the scenes in the movies (I will never forget watching a little girl get eaten) they pay an homage to the Krueger legacy in fitting fashion. Next great mystery? The Freddy Krueger babality. Hop to it, Internet!
