The Mood Rocking Bed sways as you lay

"Not gonna lie, this looks like it would make sex difficult...Just sayin!"

Summers are best spent outdoors, in the lap of nature. But you also get tired soon as the summer heat drains out your energy. So what you need is a well ventilated and cool room with a comfy bed. You got a plethora of options to pick from too. And to add to the list, is a chic and comfortable new bed called Mood Rocking Bed by Shiner. Designed by Joe Manus, it is more than a glorified rocking chair, and stands true to its name as you can rock to sleep or set the levels of incline to suite your state of mind with rubber stoppers.



joe said...
July 6, 2011 at 2:06 PM

it is the ultimate bed for lovers... 50% less effort equals 100% satisfaction