Dating A Beautiful Pain In The Ass - Ugh!

So you’ve lucked out with the girl you’re dating. She’s Oh-My-God hot. She’s finer than any girl you’ve ever downloaded. She’s sexy and has more curves than the F1 Monaco course. But there’s just one problem with her: you’re dating a beautiful pain in the ass. Maybe it’s her lack of personality or her never-ending drama, her moodiness or even her attitude. Whatever it is, she’s a royal want-to-shoot-yourself pain in the ass. So why did you get involved with this girl? Why, despite the warnings from your friends, do you stay with her? Because she’s still hot.

Let’s be honest. You’re not going to give her up any time soon. But you better know how to handle her. Looks and hotness aren’t everything, but they’ll do for right now! Enjoying and surviving your gorgeous pain is possible with a little forethought and some good tips.

Here’s my guide to dating a beautiful pain in the ass.

Understand the psyche of this crazy sexpot

First, know what you’re in for when dating a beautiful pain in the ass. There are several types of woman that fall into this category and knowing what they bring will eliminate surprises. She could have no personality and this could frustrate you because she’s a pretty mannequin. Ms. Hotness could have soap opera drama, dragging you into her family fights, work arguments and crazy ex-boyfriends throwing punches in the bar. Your gorgeous pain in the ass could be wildly unpredictable, laughing one second and weeping the next. Finally, she could be a flat-out bitch, emasculating and controlling you.

Now that you’re aware of what you could be dealing with, you should know the benefits and the reasons why you’re putting up with her crap. There are several advantages to dating a beautiful pain in the ass. There’s sex, trophy achievements, life experience, and the almighty ego boost. With these benefits, it’s hard to let her go, but it can be equally hard to stay with her. Knowing how to navigate this difficult girl is the key to getting the most out of this crazy ride.
Learn what sets off your beautiful pain in the ass

First step to dating a beautiful pain in the ass is to learn her patterns. Even if she’s psychotic, a control freak or has more issues than Rolling Stone magazine, she still has patterns -- specific ways that she acts and reacts to certain situations. If she goes on a tire-slashing spree when she hears her ex-boyfriend’s favorite song or cries whenever you ask her what happened at work, do what you can to avoid the triggers that set her off. Learn what makes her tick.

Use those beautiful benefits

Maximize her strengths. She’s hot. The sex is great. She manages to get great tables in restaurants or gets you into the clubs for free. Whatever her strengths are, use them before that beautiful pain in the ass starts hurting too much to ignore. Wrap your time together and relationship around these strengths or your time together will shift toward how much of a problem she is and how aggravated you are.
Socialize with the right circles

Next step, determine the ways she deals with group interactions. The gorgeous girl you’re dating may boost your ego and give you that sense of trophy achievement when your friends drop their jaws, but your hot girl may be a hot mess when you get her around your female friends and family. Knowing how she functions or malfunctions and with what groups she can interact with can go a long way to giving the relationship some longevity.
How much do you have to actually listen to her?

Learn how much interaction you need with each other. If she’s a drama queen, you can bet she’ll talk your ear off with her constant barrage of problems. Determine if you have to give her every iota of attention or if you can still watch the game while she’s throwing a fit, staring at the ceiling or complaining about your level of career motivation and why you’re lucky to have her. Maybe you don’t have to give 100% of your attention to still enjoy her banging body and a night on the town.
Be prepared to let her walk out the door

Beautiful pains in the ass can believe themselves irreplaceable because they’re gorgeous. During their temper tantrums, whacked-out episodes and screaming, the gorgeous girls may threaten to walk out. Be ready to break up with them and let them go without a second notice. No matter how beautiful she is, her looks cannot be held hostage to get her way. If you want to really bring her down to earth, say goodbye without much arguing.
The good, the bad and the trophy

Finally, focus on the advantages. Maybe it’s the sex that’s amazing or at least pleasing to the eye (because she’s gorgeous) or maybe it’s that feeling you get walking down the street with her on your arm. Perhaps the advantage is what you’re learning along the way. Whatever the joy is, focus on it and enjoy it as long as possible. True relationships are built on more than just looks and this beautiful pain in the ass is probably not going to last very long. Have fun and when she’s being a pain, look at that awesome body and gorgeous face and remember she is hot.

"That's DOPE"

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