AM Rule Refresher: Be A First Date Pro Pt 2

Conversation tips

The most intimidating part of a first date is keeping the conversation going. The Guy's Guide to Romance provides 10 first date conversation tips that will help you be a first date pro. For example, the Guide suggests you avoid talking about her romantic past. You don't want her thinking about her exes while she's out with you.

You might also want to avoid asking about her parents on your first date. It's unlikely, but it's possible she has a strained relationship with one or both of them. If you want to talk about family, ask about brothers and sisters instead: "Sisters and brothers usually trigger good feelings and score points for you since you're showing a caring side and an interest in her family life." Follow these conversation tips and you're on your way to being a first date pro.

Tips for a blind date

As The Guy's Guide for Romance suggests, a blind date is significantly different from a regular first date. It requires special techniques if you're going to achieve success. Recognize that eliminating awkwardness is your primary objective. You don't know this girl and she doesn't know you. You therefore have to create conditions that will make her feel comfortable. Women don't like the idea of being alone with a stranger, so take your blind date to a crowded location. Also, consider taking her out for drinks rather than dinner, that way if things aren't going well, one or both of you can leave quickly.

Second date success

The success of a second date, much like a first date, depends upon carefully orchestrated conversations. Recall topics of conversation from your first date: You'll score points for paying attention. You should also use very particular phrasing to pique her interest. AM's Guy's Guide suggests you make her feel wanted, not needed, by saying things like: "I think you are so much fun," rather than, "Wow. You are so much fun." This subtle difference communicates that you like her, but you aren't in awe of her.